Halloween nocturnal procession (6 km)
The Samhain/Halloween tradition were I am from involves bonfires, roasting chestnuts, grilling sausages, wine or cider, pumpkins and mischief. As we don't want to get […]
The Land of the Free Folk
The Samhain/Halloween tradition were I am from involves bonfires, roasting chestnuts, grilling sausages, wine or cider, pumpkins and mischief. As we don't want to get […]
We will replace the hike along the Clerve (postponed due to train disruptions) with this one along the Lauterburerbaach. Your typical Mullerthal stuff, only that […]
We will walk along the river Clerve all the way from Clervaux to Kautenbach. The ups and downs in 2D and 3D. This one is […]
We will visit the Wolfpark Werner Freund once more. IMPORTANT This one is not a loop. We will start from Merzig and end in […]
Let's explore one of the most interesting segments along the Valley of the Seven Castles. We will skip the Schoenfels caves and the Hunnebuer this […]
As the snow is likely to return this weekend, let's go to the north and climb a few hills with this pilgrimage from Wilverwiltz to […]
We will meander along the Sûre all the way from Michelau to Ettelbruck. However, unlike the corresponding segment of the Lee Trail, we will stay […]
Starting from Konz, we will copy the the Moselle and climb up to Perfeist to then head to the cliffs overlooking Wasserbillig. Already on our […]
We will meander once more along the Semois river, this time north of Florenville. An easy hike with a bit of everything: forests, valleys, villages, […]
Let's start the new year with this unique pilgrimage from Esch-sur-Sûre to Mertzig. Amongst the many surprises we will find along the way, the cutest […]
We will head north from Stolzembourg along the river Our. After climbing the Kapp, we will cross the bridge into Germany at Gemünd, to then […]
Some of you went to Burg Eltz last summer but I could not make it, so let's pay this magnificent castle a winter visit. The […]