Amazing hikes and outdoors activities for nature lovers around Luxembourg and its Greater Region.

This is not a movement, an organisation, a society or a club. I like to see it as a group of friends. Someone says “hey, fellas, I am going to do this on that day, would anyone like to join?”. If you decide to join, whatever happens it is your sole responsibility.

This is how it works:

  • Events are published on this site. If you want to publish an event you have two options: 1. Send a message with the description via the contact section and I will publish it; or 2. Become a contributor of the site and publish your own events.

  • Registrations are handled via Heylo. Except specific events, all activities are free and donations voluntary. Any cash raised will go to pay regular expenses such as fuel and server fees.

  • For quick communication, we have created a Telegram channel. This is provided for convenience and the use of this channel is optional. In Telegram you can join the channel or communicate with anyone just by using nicknames. No need to share your phone number.

  • There is no membership. You will not need to register in this site (unless if you want to become a contributor). Anyone will be able do register to specific events.

  • This site will not track you. If you register for an event, your name and email address will be stored until the event concludes, then they will be automatically deleted.

  • If you become a contributor, essential data will be stored in accordance to the GDPR.

  • Phone numbers will not be required. Only email addresses to inform of changes and cancellations.